The Arc of Parenting

Parenting keeps us on our toes - we feel settled and finally catch our breath and then things change quickly as children constantly continue to develop and grow. The full arc of parenting brings challenges - from toddlerhood to school age children, to parenting teens and young adults.

Being a good parent doesn’t have to mean burnout and reaching your limit. Unrealistic expectations, intensive parenting, and the pressure to live up to an idealized definition of parenting (which may be self-imposed or influenced by social media), can impact parenting satisfaction. So can the loss of control as growing children strive for independence. Understanding where your child is (or is going) developmentally helps create empathy for your child’s experience and capacity. Below are some of my favorite parenting books to help meet your child where they are.

The Launching Years: Strategies for Parenting from Senior Year to College Life, Laura Kastner

Teach Your Children Well, Madeline Levine

The Emotional Lives of Teenagers, Lisa Damour

Untangled, Lisa Damour

Decoding Boys, Cara Natterson

This is So Awkward, Cara Natterson & Vanessa Kroll Bennett

Fourteen Talks by Age Fourteen, Michelle Icard

Getting to Calm: Cool Headed Strategies for Parenting Tweens + Teens, Laura Kastner

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk, Adele Faber 

The Whole-Brain Child, Daniel Siegel

Nurtureshock: New Thinking about Children, Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman

How Toddlers Thrive, Tovah Klein 

Cribsheet, Emily Oster